domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

Holidays and Festivals

Easter is the Christian holy period that runs from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, from the point of view liturgical. This is the period of most intense activity within the Church, as the week in which it is a memorial of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On that form are as follows:

  • Palm Sunday
  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Santos
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Holy Saturday
  • Easter Sunday

Christmas in my family we are used to giving and receiving present. This exchange is done in two parts, first a lie that we are very comical because rewarded with things like bananas. Potatoes and onions wrapped in gift paper. And lastly, we the true and where we receive things we enjoy.

These images are reflected in the exchange of lies, my aunt received a tin of sardines and my cousin a coconut

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